Image Title: Horse Head in Wall
Image Number: NC006
Date: 10/90Location: Monterey,
Negative Number: 1036
Format: 4x5
Film: AgaPan 100

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Description: I was photographing the shore
down at the beaches of Big Sur when I found this image in the large rocks. It immediately
looked like the stylized head of a horse in a merry-go-round in profile to me. I guess I
am a bit weird about seeing faces in natural abstracts wherever I go. I print the image to
bring out the detail in the rocks and make the "face" I saw more evident. I have
asked people what, if anything, they see in this abstract picture (without telling them
what I saw) and some have said they saw the horse head, others have not. I guess that is
what makes one person photograph something one way and others another, or not at all. |