Image Title:
Oak Tree and Merced
Image Number:
Date: 587
Yosemite National Park
Negative Number: 643
Format: 4x5
Film: AgfaPan 400
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Description: This tree was photographed by
Ansel Adams long before I ever came to Yosemite, and I have always loved his image. When I
first saw the tree in person, I thought I would try to make a different image of this
subject. I have seen that many great photographers make images of the same subject, so I
feel that as long as you try to see it differently, and bring something new to the
subject, it is not simply copying. If nobody ever took photographs of subjects they have
seen before, the photography industry would be gone by now! This is my interpretation of
this tree and the environment. The tree is located just off the water's
edge, and there is not a lot of room between the Merced and the road.
There are not a lot of possible locations to photograph the tree, and even
finding good footing on the steep embankment that leads up to the road
from the water is difficult. There were a few more branches on the tree in
Ansel's image, but I wanted to emphasize the tree trunk more and so I got
closer to the tree than seen in Ansel's image. To see the Ansel Adams
image of this tree, click
here. |